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Hair Routines

Variety might be the spice of life, but sometimes it’s the routine that keeps us going.

Most of us are on daily, weekly and monthly schedules, especially when it comes to work, sleep, play and chores. Having a routine for your hair care as well can make your life easier by saving you time, money and frustration.

For some of us, the hair care routine might be a daily ritual. Valerie Monroe, beauty director of O, The Oprah Magazine, was asked: “After I shampoo, am I supposed to put products on my hair in a particular order?” Val’s reply was a yes! “The magic formula,” she writes, “is condition, style, then hold.”

Others find putting themselves on an every other day shampooing schedule works best. The Mane ‘n Tail line of shampoos and conditioners are safe to use daily! A little oil builds up in your hair is not necessarily a bad thing. Also, too much shampooing can dry your hair out. It all depends on your hair type and the products you use. Perhaps the hair care routine might be more of a weekly thing for you? This is especially true for women of color, who have kinky and coarse hair that requires more attention.

Hair Regime

Lady Tee is a big component of having a weekly hair regime. She describes her website as “dedicated to those who may be reluctant to pick up a black hair care book” and offers time-saving hair tips.

“I enjoy placing my hair on a schedule because it is more manageable,” she writes. “It is easier to predict when my hair needs to be cleaned, moisturized, deep conditioned, and given a tension break and placed within a protective hairstyle.”

Just like an exercise regime, you will probably find that a hair care routine will make your life easier. You’ll find as time progresses, you have to pay less attention because the routine offers you the benefit of having to think less, because at some point, the routine becomes, well… routine! Start a journal and log your actions. Keep track of the reaction of your hair to certain products and the timing of your hair care. Cleanse and moisture on a schedule. Cut your hair on a regular basis and even style your hair on a certain time frame.

Varying Climate? We can Help

If you live in a climate that varies, having a journal to go back through will help save you time and money through the seasons. The experimenting has already been done and you’ll know which products work best for you. For example, I know when it’s especially humid out in the summer, the Mane ‘n Tail Herbal-Gro Anti-Frizz ‘n Shine Serum works great on my hair. It helps keep the fly-aways under control and smooths protect, and adds luster to my hair, keeping it shiny and frizz-free. In the winter, when my hair wants to dry out, I’ll use the Mane ‘n Tail Deep Moisturizing Conditioner, which naturally replenishes and locks in moisture.

With so many other things on our minds, putting your hair care on a schedule will reduce stress and leave time for more important things, like family, work and vacations. It’s a great way to keep your hair healthy and beautiful without any stress!


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